Тематический план

  • Virtual desktops (VDI)

    Here you can see all information published about VDI service.

    If you have any questions about virtual desktops service, contact jozef.silaci@umb.sk.

  • Applications available at thin clients

    Current infrastructure enables using software on thin clients which is installed on application servers. Availability of specific programs depends on which application server a client is connected to.

    Application server, to which a particular thin client gets connected, cannot be chosen by the users themselves as they will be given application package depending on where the thin client is located (study rooms, kiosks,…).

  • Login details

    When accessing the virtual desktops, the login details and passwords used are managed by IAM system. These are the same login details and passwords which you use when logging in lms2.umb.sk.

    Students and employees have to choose the following domains STUDENTI.UMB.SK (for students) and UMB.SK (for employees) respectively on the login screen of thin client before they log in.

  • Personal Address Book Access

    After logging in a virtual desktop, users are provided with the connected network file for storing files which they use. The content of this network file is kept even after logging off and it is available from any place (home including) through FTP.

    Attention! All files which you store on the screen or in the file My documents are deleted once you log off the virtual desktop. Only those files are kept which are stored in a personal file.

    The capacity of a personal file for students is 500 MB and for employees it is 2 GB. The provided capacity can change (reduce too) in the future depending on the sources which will be available.

  • FAQ (frequently asked questions)

    When changing a password through iam.umb.sk page does it have to contain special signs?

    No, it is not needed. The requirements for a new password are:

    1. it does not contain any significant part of user´s account name,

    2. it combines signs of at least three different groups of the following four

    • Capital letters of alphabet (A-Z),
    • Lowercase letters of alphabet (a-z),
    • Numerals (0-9),
    • Special signs (!, $, #, %, etc.)

    3. Minimum length of password is 8 signs

    4. A password cannot be the same as the three previous passwords are

    To conclude, a new password does not have to contain any special sign if it contains capital letters, lowercase letters and numerals. According to the fact that there is an English keyboard when registering in the study rooms with VDI terminals (it cannot be changed), it is not recommended to use letters "z" and "y". If you want to use special signs in your password, we recommend you to use "." and "," because these are found at the same place on the SK and EN keyboard.