Tinkercad 3D modeling - step by step - advanced

Portál: Virtuálna Univerzita Mateja Bela
Kurz: 3D tlač a 3D modelovanie
Kniha: Tinkercad 3D modeling - step by step - advanced
Vytlačil(a): Hosťovský používateľ
Dátum: streda, 3 júla 2024, 11:21


In this chapter we will show you how to model an advanced model step by step.


Picture source004.png (475×475) (pokemon.com)

Charmander model

We will start by modeling the leg using a hemisphere as the base. Adjust the height, length, and width as needed. We'll then attach a cylinder to serve as the neck and three triangles at the front to create claws.  

This forms the first leg, which we can group using the CTRL+G shortcut (or the toolbar) after selecting the objects we want to group. We'll then copy it using CTRL+C -> CTRL+V. We'll gradually add spheres for the joints to the body.

Of course, a sphere isn't the only option. On the left, you can see an alternative created using a paraboloid.

For the body, we'll use another sphere and extend it as necessary. We'll copy and paste it to create the belly, making it slightly smaller.

For the tail, we'll use a bent tube (from the Shape Generators section), onto which we'll model another paraboloid.

  Tube settings might be a bit tricky due to the unusual shape. 

Body with the tail: 

To create a smoother transition between the body and tail, we can add another hemisphere or sphere to the tail's root.

Moving on to the head, we'll use a sphere,  and add a hemisphere on top.

We'll then copy the sphere twice. We'll make the first one smaller and place it on the bottom part of the head, marking it as a hole to create the mouth.

Inside this hole, we'll place the second copied sphere, again slightly smaller, to form the mouth.

Now let's work on the teeth. We can use triangles or paraboloids depending on preference. Creating upper and lower teeth and placing them in the appropriate spots is sufficient. We'll then copy and mirror them using the arrow keys. 


For the eyes, we'll create them using spheres, deforming one into a flat oval for the main part and placing it above the mouth. We'll copy this shape and make it smaller to form the pupil. As a final touch, we'll add a reflection to the eye by copying the pupil again.

We can group the entire eye, copy it, and mirror it (we might need to adjust the position of the reflection slightly) to create the second eye.

We'll group the entire face into one object and place it on top of the body.

Moving on to the arms, we can use the bent tube and hemisphere.

On the edge, we'll attach triangles or paraboloids (depending on preference) to create claws/fingers on the arm.

We'll attach the arm below the head, copy it, mirror it, and place it on the other side. Depending on preferences, we can adjust some shapes or their size to refine the overall appearance.
