

Tinkercad provides several functions that make modeling easier. We discussed where to find these functions in the 3D Design chapter.

Copying Function (Ctrl+C):

 As the name suggests, this basic function is used to copy a selected object or objects.

Paste Function (Ctrl+V):

 This function pastes the copied object onto the Tinkercad canvas. The object/s will appear near the copied object.

Duplication Function (Ctrl+D):

 Automatically duplicates and places the selected object/s. The duplicate will be in the same position as the original object, so it will not be visible until we move it.

Deletion Function (Delete):

 Deletes the selected object/s.

Undo Function (Ctrl+Z):

 This function takes us one step back. It can be used multiple times in succession.

Redo Function (Ctrl+Y):

 If we've used the undo function more than we intended, the redo function takes you one step forward again.

Hide Notes Function (Shift+N):

 If we're using notes, this function hides them from the modeling area.
Hide Selected Objects Function (Ctrl+H):
 Provides the option to hide objects from the modeling area.
Show All Function (Ctrl+Shift+H):
 Reveals all hidden objects on the modeling area again.
Grouping Function (Ctrl+G):
 Groups two or more objects into one.
Ungrouping Function (Ctrl+Shift+G):
 "Breaks" a grouped object into individual objects.
Alignment Function (L):
 Aligns two or more selected objects along a specified axis.
Mirroring Function (M):
 Allows you to mirror objects along the X, Y, or Z axis.
Lock Editing Function (Ctrl+L):
 After using this function, the selected object/s are locked, and further modifications or movements are not possible.