3D printers

2. Creality printers

Founded in 2014, Shenzhen Creality 3D Technology Co., Ltd. focuses on the design, research, and manufacturing of 3D printers and related products for 3D printing. The company's investments in development encompass 3D printers, 3D scanners, filaments, resins, as well as printed drones and robots that support STEAM education.

They produce various types of 3D printers, including desktop printers and larger models for industrial use. Creality typically emphasizes the production of affordable 3D printers, which are popular among home users and small businesses. Their printers offer relatively good print quality and are often positively reviewed by users. Creality is also known for its open-source software solutions, allowing users to customize their printers according to their needs and preferences.

Source: About Us-Creality 3D Printer

[1] STEAM Education je prístup k výučbe, ktorý sa snaží integrovať rôzne oblasti, ako sú vedy, technológie, inžinierstvo, umenie a matematika. Zameriava sa na praktické a zážitkové učenie, ktoré umožňuje študentom aplikovať svoje znalosti v reálnom svete