
Syntax AJ Zimný semester

Kódy predmetu:



Učebnica : The English Sentence, autor Rita Rafajlovičová, ISBN 978-80-555-0577-0

Prednášky : Mgr. Anna Slatinská, PhD.

Podmienky pre vykonanie skúšky: teoretické a praktické vedomosti, vypracovanie referátu/prezentácie, písomná skúška, pozostávajúca z teoretickej i praktickej časti.


Téma 1

Introduction to English Syntax

Téma 2

Form and Function. Excercise 1 p.8

Téma 3

Form and Function. Excercises 2, 3, 4 p. 9

Téma 4

Form and Function. Excercises 5,6,7 pp. 10-12

Téma 5

Phrases and Clauses. Excercises 9, 10, 11 pp.13-14

Téma 6

Phrases and Clauses. Excercises 12, 13, 14 pp. 15-16

Téma 7

Clause Structure Main Clause Elements. Excercises 15, 16, 17, pp.17-18

Téma 8

Clause Structure Main Clause Elements. Excercises 18, 19, 20, pp. 19-20

Téma 9

Clause Structure Main Clause Elements. Excercises 21, 22, 23,24, pp.20-22

Téma 10

Clause Structure Main Clause Elements. Excercises 25, 26, 27, 28, pp. 22-23

Téma 11

Classification of Clauses. Excercises 29, 30, 31,32, 33, pp. 24-27

Téma 12

Clause Structure Main Clause Elements. Excercises 34, 35, 36,37, pp. 28-29

Téma 13

The Sentence. Excercises 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, pp. 31-40.

Selbsteinschreibung (Študent)
Selbsteinschreibung (Študent)