Настройка зачисления на курс

Basic information and conditions to be met in order to successfully pass the subject

In this subject the students are taught key terms and communication skills in the study field — international relations. Moreover, the students are able to apply specific syntactic and lexical structures in modeled communicative situations within the context of interdisciplinary interconnection of subjects such as International relations and the English language. This process allows the students to make use of argumentative aparatus in the English language, which is later enlarged when graduates get involved  as specialised staff in the given field of their specialisation.

Note: any instruction, specification or comments to given tasks will be added in the section - Announcements -Oznámenia - at the tops of the whole section part.

Conditions to be met :

Seminar work I. - 20 points

Seminar work II. - 20 points 

Active participation in lessons - 20 points

Final (written) test - 40 points 

Самостоятельная запись (Študent)
Самостоятельная запись (Študent)